There are five basic points on the basis of which you will be familiar with this important mission and will know, how we all can fulfil it. These points are – 

1. Importance of Niranjana (Falgu) River and its present status, 

2. Motivation to work on Niranjana (Falgu) River, 

3. Started Niranjana (Falgu) River Recharge Mission and progress so far, 

4. Hydrological Study of Niranjana- Falgu River Basin and 

5. Draft Action Plan of the Mission in the year 2023- 25. So let’s get to know these important topics-
1. Importance of Niranjana (Falgu) river and its current status –
On the southern border of Chatra district located in Jharkhand, a small river named Leelajan, originating from the forests of Lavalong and Belgaddha, takes the form of a big river while coming to Chatra town. People around this river from the origin till Bodh Gaya call it Leelajan. It is called Niranjana in the Buddhist world, Buddhist literature and Bodh Gaya. After going 5 km ahead of Bodh Gaya, a river named Muhane joins it and after that its name becomes Falgu.
This river is one of its kind in the world. Lord Buddha has spent a long time of his penance on the banks of this river. Lord Buddha had eaten Sujata’s kheer on the banks of this river. Enlightenment was attained under the Peepal tree on the banks of this river. This river also gave the first proof of enlightenment to Lord Buddha. The above things are described in Buddhist literature. For more than 500 million Buddhists followers around the world, this river is as sacred as the water of Ab-e-Zamzam, located in the Kaaba, for those who follow the religion of Islam. The followers of Buddhism take the sand and water of this river to their country by filling them in containers. Near the Vishnupad temple, 10 kilometers north of Bodh Gaya, Hindus from all over the world come here to offer Pind Daan for the salvation of their ancestors.
Such a great river has become moribund today. Till 25-30 years ago, water used to come out in digging a pit full of anjali, but now in summer even if digging with JCB, water is hardly available.
2. Inspiration to work on Niranjana (Falgu) river –
A small river named Ramrekha originating from Dumariya block of Gaya district, which had dried up about 50 years ago, we have made it a river flowing throughout the years with public support & cooperation. The success of our work on Ramrekha inspired us to work on Niranjana (Phalgu).
3. Started Niranjana (Falgu) River Rejuvenation Mission and Progress So Far –
On August 22, 2021, in the presence of some saints and socially minded people in Bodh Gaya, a campaign has been started to make Niranjana Falgu river a year-round river. Nationally, the campaign is moving forward under the leadership of people like, Mr. Yogesh Andlay, Mr. Gulrez Hoda, Mr. Vimal Kumar and Padma Shri Kanwal Chauhan.
In the last one year, the team of Niranjana Mission has made several trips from the origin of this river to the confluence. We are engaged in establishing dialogues with villages falling within 5 km radius on both sides of the river to connect them emotionally with the river and have organized various programs to bring Niranjana-Phalgu into the limelight.

  • On 6 February 2022, a Niranjana discussion program was organized with representatives of monasteries from 15 countries at Laos Temple, Bodh Gaya, which was presided over by former Union Minister Sanjay Paswan. Then on February 15, a 110 km long river journey was organized, which was led by Saint Saisana Bonthabong of Laos country.
  •  Niranjana Falgu River Conference was organized in the premises of Mahabodhi Society of India on 27 February 2022, which was led by General Secretary of Mahabodhi Society of India, P. Seevali Thero. The role of IIM Bodh Gaya director Vinita Sahay and IFS Siddharth Tripathi was an important role in this programme.
  • Advisory Board meeting was organized under the leadership of Padma Shri Kanwal Chauhan on 22nd and 23rd March i.e. World Water Day.
  • An important meeting was held with the Vice Chairman of NITI Aayog Shri Rajeev Kumar in New Delhi on 12th April and a meeting was held with the representative of NITI Aayog and Ministry of Jal Shakti on 13th April. Mr. Gulrez Hoda was present in both these meetings.
  •  In April 2022, Sunita Mittal and Ajay Mittal, members of the Niranjana Mission Advisory Board, arrived in Bodh Gaya. And they visited the riverside villages for 2 days and held meetings with the villagers.
  •  Many programs were organized on May 15 and 16, Buddha Purnima. The mission team along with the common people lit 51 hundred lamps in Niranjana Phalgu river. Naag Puja was organized in Niranjana river, in which guests from many countries participated.
  • Ambassador of 7 countries including Laos in India Mr. Baummee Choungham ji stayed with us for three days for his participation in Niranjana Abhiyan. Since then we have also started creating awareness about the river through Niranjana Aarti.
  • On 18th May we organized a Nadi Sansad in which spiritual guru Shri Pilot Baba participated.
  •  We are engaged in activating and strengthening the Chhath Puja Committees of the villages on the banks of the river for the betterment of the river. We associate villagers with this mission and working with 20-20 villages per phase, we are also studying how and where water can be stored in hundreds of villages from origin to confluence.
  • We have held Nadi Samvaad with 40 schools, educational institutions and education representatives from both sides of the river. We want to sow the seed of river rejuvenation work in children through educational institutions.
  • Here we have mentioned some limited programs. Details of all that we have done in one year are attached separately. Right now two years’ time has been kept for detailed study and contact campaigns of the river basin area.

4. Hydrological Study of Niranjana-Phalgu River Basin –
Renowned Hydrologist Professor Dr. A.K. Gosain has taken up the responsibility of scientific study of this river. His team had also come to Bodh Gaya last month. Some data is needed for modeling of Niranjana (Phalgu) river, for which the concerned departmental offices have been written. Professor Gosain and his team have also talked to the concerned officials.
5. Draft action plan of the Mission in the year 2023-25 –
The main purpose:
To make the Niranjana (Phalgu) river eternally pure and uninterrupted.
A. Strategic Plan:
To restore the ecology of the banks of river Niranjana to a greater extent as it was at the time of Lord Buddha. We don’t have to bring Niranjana alive, we have to reveal her. She is angry
with our unfair actions. We have to please him by returning him to his original ecology. If Maa Niranjana is pleased with us, she will automatically appear among us.
B. Operational Plan:

  1. Carrying out all kinds of research and studies required for the campaign.
  2. Creating public opinion in favor of Niranjana Abhiyan in the country, abroad and in the local society.
  3. Making as many check dams as possible on the banks of Niranjana and making arrangements for protection and promotion of ponds, puddles etc. so that rain water can be conserved.
  4.  Intensive tree plantation on community lands of Niranjana banks.
  5. Motivating the farmers & villagers of a radius of 5 kilometers of Niranjana bank, to do such farming, which increases the carbon of the land and brings it to ideal condition. For this, preparing the farmers for natural farming and other multiple measures. To ensure that farmers get more profit from their natural farming than traditional farming.
  6.  Arranging carbon farming on community land.
  7. To inculcate and sustain Niranjana friendly lifestyle.
  8. C. Tactical Plan:
  9. Organizing the annual Niranjana Festival at Bodh Gaya.
  10. Creating a Niranjana Pavilion at Bodhgaya – Exhibition which will be open throughout the year.
  11.  Making formal arrangements to connect influential people with Niranjana Abhiyan – by writing letters, meeting, calling in meetings.
  12. Strengthening media and research wing for Niranjana Abhiyan.
  13. D. Field Plan:
  14. At the time of Chhath Puja in Bihar, the youth of every village work to clean the nearby rivers and take water in it. Through the Niranjana Mission, creating awareness about the river and institutionalizing the Chhath Puja Committees of the villages along the river banks.
  15. Surveying where trees can be planted in the community and private land of the village.
  16. Surveying where water can be stored in the villages falling within 5 km radius of the river banks.
  17. To make Chhath Puja committees aware to prepare their nursery.
  18. To study where water bodies already exist in the village and where new ones can be created.
  19. Preparing the mechanism of how water harvesting can help the village financially.
  20.  Establishing “Gram Kosh” in the village by conserving water around the river and strengthening it.
  21.  Creating various types of formal respectable positions for individuals and organizations in Niranjana Mission and meeting them at different intervals.
  22.  Running a signature campaign in favor of Niranjana’s work in the country and abroad and connecting the people associated with it to an annual event. An event in which people can participate even from their respective places.
  23. To attract the attention of the country, the world and the local society, something should be done so that it finds mention in the Guinness Book of World Records.
  24. E. Basic understanding:
  25.  The check dam is like an allopathic medicine, while intensive plantation and natural farming in a five kilometer strip on both sides of the Niranjana is like an Ayurvedic remedy. There has to be harmony between the two. पथ्यम् क िंऔषकि, ुपथ्यिं क िंऔषकि।
  26.  The work of Niranjana (Phalgu) would not have been possible without the cooperation of the villages and towns along its banks. That’s why we have to create such an atmosphere that they consider Niranjana’s work as their own.
  27.  Niranjana River Recharge Mission has to be developed like a confederation which will work for coordination among all the individuals, organizations and government agencies engaged in this work.
  28. Niranjana’s work will be effective in bringing all religions closer to each other.
  29. In the coming times, the tradition of Yatra should be started on the banks of Niranjana in the same way as the tradition of Narmada Yatra

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